One of the ways to make sales online is to show your audience that you are human.

Credit: LinkedIn
'No one wants to know how much you know until they know how much you care'.
A wise man said something that's sounds like this almost 50 years ago. It is still true today.
Your potential consumers want you to care about them and about meeting their needs.
They want to know that you are interested in adding value to them and leaving them better than you met them.
One of the first things you should be doing to get their attention is not ads, ads & ads.
You should be doing is catching the attention of the audience.
This creates engagement.
Any time you are funny, smart and you show the value you have to add, you catch someone's attention.
Do more of that always.
Remember do not be preoccupied on selling, selling & selling.
Give your customers and potential clients a chance to get to know you better and a chance to see the value that you can add. Give your social media channels commitment and attention.
Always respond to comments.
On any media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin & Google+) here's what you should do:
-be creative
-always think outside the box on ways that you can be friendly
-be approachable and helpful
-This will help others follow you willingly and possibly become your brand ambassadors
-add value.
The more people communicate with you, the faster they trust you and the faster you grow.
For more info or questions: email:
Keywords: sell, ads, promotion, advertising, business, entrepreneur
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