Monday, 21 April 2014

Getting turnovers!

Hello people,

I have new skills to share this week.

Skill gathering. Credit: The Balance Careers 

It is pretty simple if you always execute.

When it comes to marketing your product on whatever media (even though in this context we are talking about Digital Marketing) you use.

They are:


Image courtesy 

Try something new everyday 
Learn something new everyday 
Improve on what you do daily 
Repeat successful strategies over and over again. 

This is the secret to success.

You must be willing to try daily on Twitter and Facebook. You must tap into the creativity of God inside you to create something beautiful. Be addicted to improving yourself, your business and everything about you daily.

How do you make your creativity better? 

A simple tip is to think of adding value to your clients or customers. Let that guide you and you will do well. 

For more tips follow my blog on

Theresa Doghor is one of the four Managing partners of ImagineIt Inc. a digital marketing company. 

She blogs on love, life, family, work and doing life. She has several blogs

Imagineit Inc. NG: Beating your imagination

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Think global, act local

“Think global, act local.”

This is my authentic voice. The voice of a real prson just sharing the stories of how we started and where we are going. We are not the typical grass to grace story.

Friday, 11 April 2014

A perfect post is like...

A pics from Pinterest
A perfect post is like this elegant dress
It draws attention without being shoddy!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Use your imagination!

I am starting all over again.
Redefining myself, what I do and what I live for.
Something tells me I am going to be doing this over and over again until I get it right.

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