Saturday, 12 April 2014

Think global, act local

“Think global, act local.”

This is my authentic voice. The voice of a real prson just sharing the stories of how we started and where we are going. We are not the typical grass to grace story.
We are the five African women with a strong team of people determined to make imagineit a global voice with a human face.

Who am I?
My name is Theresa Doghor. I am one of the Managing Partners of ImagineIt Inc. NG. I am the face of Africa. I am a woman building a business. Like many African families, I am building this business with family by blood and by sacrifice.

I have three other Managing Partners who are females and well versed in Mass Communication, have degrees in English, and other disciplines. We are a mishmash of all the skills we need to make this brand work.

There is loads of diversity and talent in that mix, I have a freelance photographer working with me
She is amazing to work with, she's patient and creative and brimming with ideas.

What issues do I have presently?
None that can't be handled. I have a capable team with hands-on experience

Global issues?
More like African issues. 
I am not  one to complain about health issues.

This was first written in the middle of the Ebola virus invasion that happened in 2014. All the doctors on my TL were like, be conscientious about washing your hands. My boss was like, wash your hands with soap before using any Dettol, she brought in a WHO bigwig to speak with us, on the dos and donts.

Be careful about touching public staircases. Boy was I careful. In the midst of 'careful', I was trusting God because you can never be too careful.

So while we do what we should, we trust God for protection from all such outbreaks. Ebola and otherwise. He takes care of us.

Imagineit Inc. Ng has always been a part of my life and remains so, even when I took a break to save the dream by working for others. I was always consciously learning the skills that I need to run this company.

I have applied for loans endlessly and we are yet to be successful with that, but the brand is positioned so much better than it was 6 years ago because now I have six years experience in the industry. Expeerience that is useful to me now.

For inquiries: email me at

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