Monday 15 April 2019

4 Tools You Can Use In Marketing Your Growing Business Online Part 1

Businesses don’t grow just offline alone. There is usually an online version. Just as you attract business prospects to your business via the offline measures you are using, you can also attract business via online prospects. Some of the tried and tested strategies that work are:

Photo Credit: Goal Cast

1.        Using already established communities:
Some of the tools you can use to improve the marketing of your business online are subreddits,
Craigslist, Facebook groups, Quora, niche forums and twitter. All you need to do is share valuable information about your brand on the above listed platforms. Remember not to be sales but interesting.

2.       Using quizzes and giveaways or a discount:
These methods are also a great way to grow your business. I live in the suburbs. Usually eateries don’t flourish because ‘classy buka type’ eateries run by Yoruba Muslims tend to thrive where I live. Recently an ice cream/pizza company and a classy homes food eatery opened and by the looks of things, the two different outlets are always full of people in there eating, laughing and having fun. What do they have in common? They have good quality food, and always have a quiz, giveaway or discount educating people about their brand and giving opportunity and incentive so the audience are eager to try it out.

3.       Affiliate programs:
For book sales and digital product sales online, affiliate programs are the way to publicize your book or digital product, which can be an eBook, a webinar or a video training. If your businesses are in the above niches, affiliate marketing cold very well be the strategy to raise those sales.

4.      Give free products to bloggers for reviews:
If your product is an iPad, a dress, skateboard or mobile phone, influence marketing would certainly pay off. Look out on the internet for bloggers in your niche market and give out a product in exchange for a review. The numbers of people who will find your business from those blogs and go on finding your products from those blogs will be worth your while.

Tessa Doghor is one of the Managing Partners of Imagine It Inc. NG, a digital and PR Company in Nigeria and can be reached via a DM on

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