Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Thank You #Flutterwave. Good News For Freelancers


Good news for freelancers across Africa. 

We can all receive payments across Africa and from Paypal. 

This is a record breaking win. This is something that will revolutionize business in Africa and how it is done. We can now do business with practically anyone from around the world.

See the original article from Flutterwave that confirms it here.

 Referral code to join Flutterwave: RV68391

2021 is the year of the miracle breakthrough into Africa. 

I am so happy for this that has happened. Sales can come from anywhere in the world without the limits of how to make or receive payments.

In 2021, there are no limits. Market your products with the idea of clients coming from anywhere in the world.

Except Nigeria. 

I could be outraged but I am past using unnecessary emotions to express the frustration I feel for the pace of business and ease of doing business in Nigeria.

Nigeria is exempted from all of this. Maybe we can simply be happy that we can receive USD payments from Flutterwave and jejely continue receiving other payments via Payoneer.

Maybe one day Paypal will look on Nigerian businessmen and women as people who are worthy to do business with their counterparts around the world.

Till then, as you were.

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